Boiler and Pressure Vessel Safety
About Us
The Boiler and Pressure Vessel Safety Division protects human life, property, and infrastructure by overseeing the installation, operation, and repairs of certain boilers and pressure vessels in Virginia. These boilers and pressure vessels, collectively called “objects,” are used in many settings, including power plants, hospitals, large factories, office complexes, apartments, wineries, restaurants, laundry and dry cleaners, automobile repair shops, and many other industrial settings and establishments that are open to the public.

The complexity of these systems varies greatly based on their application but they all must comply with exacting technical requirements and national standards in order to be operated safely. The inspection of these objects is handled by insurance companies registered in Virginia to issue boiler and pressure vessel policies, by private contract fee inspectors, and by owners and users of objects who qualify to obtain Virginia inspection commissions from the agency.

Following the receipt and review of a satisfactory inspection report, the agency issues the corresponding inspection certificate.

In the event of a boiler or pressure vessel emergency, please contact 9-1-1 immediately.

We do not conduct routine inspections. To have your object inspected, please contact your insurance company or a company that is authorized to inspect boiler and pressure vessels in Virginia.

Online Invoice Payment

Online Invoice Payment

Click Here

Boiler Inspections

Authorized Boiler Inspections

Click Here

NBIC Report Forms

NBIC Report Forms

Click Here
Statutes & Regulations
The requirements for the safe operation of boilers and pressure vessels in the Commonwealth are set out in the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Safety Act, Virginia Code § 40.1-51.5 et seq.

Pursuant to Virginia Code § 40.1-51.6, the Safety and Health Codes Board is authorized to promulgate regulations to guide the interpretation and application of the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Safety Act. The following regulations pertaining to the operation of Boilers and Pressure Vessels are currently in effect:

Contact Us


Virginia Department of Labor and Industry
Boiler & Pressure Vessel Safety Division
6606 West Broad Street
Richmond, VA 23230

Phone Number

Office: (804) 786-3160
Fax: (804) 371-7634

Email Address

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